Evolutionary algorithms are usually unconstrained optimization procedures. In this tutorial, we present several ways of adding different types of constraint to your evolutions. This tutorial is based on the paper by Coello Coello [CoelloCoello2002].
Penality function are the most basic way of handling constrains for individuals
that cannot be evaluated or are forbiden for problem specific reasons, when
falling in a given region. The penality function gives a fitness disavantage to
theses individuals based on the amount of constraint violation in the solution.
For example, instead of evaluating an individual violating a constraint one can
assings a desired value to its fitness. The assigned value can be constant or
increasing (decreasing for maximization) as the distance to a valid solution
increases. The following figure shows the fitness function (in green) and
the penality function
(in red) of a one attribute individual subject to the
. The continuous line represent the fitness that is
actually assigned to the individual
The figure on the left use a constant offset when a
constraint is not respected. The center plot use the euclidean distance in
addition to the offset to create a bowl like fitness function
. Finally, the
left plot use a quadratic distance funtion to increase the attraction of the
, where
is the approximate
center of the valid zone.
In DEAP, a penality function can be added to any evaluation function using the DeltaPenality decorator provided in the tools module.
from math import sin
from deap import base
from deap import tools
def evalFct(individual):
"""Evaluation function for the individual."""
x = individual[0]
return (x - 5)**2 * sin(x) * (x/3),
def feasible(individual):
"""Feasability function for the individual. Returns True if feasible False
if 3 < individual[0] < 5:
return True
return False
def distance(individual):
"""A distance function to the feasability region."""
return (individual[0] - 5.0)**2
toolbox = base.Toolbox()
toolbox.register("evaluate", evalFct)
toolbox.decorate("evaluate", tools.DeltaPenality(feasible, 7.0, distance))
The penality decorator takes 2 mandatory arguments and an optional one. The
first argument is a function returning the validity of an individual according
to user defined constraints. The second argument is a constant value
() returned when an individual is not valid. The optional argument
is a distance function between an invalid individual and the valid region. This
last argument takes on the default value of 0. The last example shows how the
right plot of the top image was obtained.
[CoelloCoello2002] | Coelle Coello, C. A. Theoretical and numerical constraint-handling techniques used with evolutionary algorithms: a survey of the state of the art. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 191, 1245–1287, 2002. |