This is the first complete program built with EAP. It will help new users to overview some of the possibilities in EAP. The problem is very simple, we search for a 1 filled list individual. This problem is widely used in the evolutionary computation community since it is very simple and it illutrates well the potential of evolutionary algorithms.
Here we use the one max problem to show how simple can be an evolutionary algorithm with EAP. The first thing to do is to elaborate the structures of the algorithm. It is pretty obvious in this case that an individual that can contain a series of booleans is the most interesting kind of structure available. EAP does not contain any explicit individual structure since it is simply a container of attributes associated with a fitness. Instead, it provides a convenient method for creating types called the creator.
The creator is a class factory that can build at run-time new classes that inherit from base classes. It is very useful since an individual can be any type of container from list to n-ary tree. The creator allows to bind those base classes together in order to build more complex new structures convenient for evolutionary computation.
Let see an example of how to use the creator to setup an individual that contains an array of booleans and a maximizing fitness. We will first need to import the eap.base and eap.creator modules. The eap.base module contains the basic structure such as List, Array and Tree.
The creator defines at first a single function called create() that is used to create types. The create() function takes at least 2 arguments plus one optional argument. The first argument name is the actual name of the type that we want to create, here it is Individual. The second argument base is the base classes that the new type created should inherit from. Finally the optional argument dict is a dictionary of members to add to the new type (this subject is more detailed in the documentation, and out of the current scope).
creator.create("FitnessMax", base.Fitness, weights=(1,0))
creator.create("Individual", list, fitness=creator.FitnessMax)
creator.create("Population", list)
The first line creates a maximizing fitness by replacing in the base type Fitness the weights member with (1.0,) that means to maximize this fitness. The second line creates an Individual class that inherits the properties of list and has a fitness member of the type FitnessMax that was just created. The third line creates a Population class that is simply a list.
The eap.toolbox is an other convenience module that contains a Toolbox class intended store functions with their arguments. The Toolbox contains two simple methods, register() and unregister().
tools = toolbox.Toolbox()
# Attribute generator
tools.register("attr_bool", random.randint, 0, 1)
# Structure initializer
tools.register("individual", creator.Individual, content_init=tools.attr_bool, size_init=100)
tools.register("population", creator.Population, content_init=tools.individual, size_init=300)
The two last lines of code create two functions within the toolbox, the first function registered, when called, will instantiate individuals and the second will instantiate populations.
The evaluation function is pretty simple in this case, we need to count the number of 1 in the individual and this value. This is done by the following lines of code.
def evalOneMax(individual):
return sum(individual),
There is two way of using operators, the first one, is to simply call the function from the toolbox module and the second one is to register them with their argument in the a Toolbox. The most convenient way is to register them in the toolbox, because it allows to easily switch between operators if desired. The toolbox method is also used in the algorithms one max short version.
Registering the operators and their default arguments in the toolbox is done as follow.
tools.register("evaluate", evalOneMax)
tools.register("mate", toolbox.cxTwoPoints)
tools.register("mutate", toolbox.mutFlipBit, indpb=0.05)
tools.register("select", toolbox.selTournament, tournsize=3)
Before evolving it, we need to instantiate a population. This step is done effortless using the method we registered in the Toolbox.
pop = tools.population()
The evolution of the population is the last thing to do before getting results. In this example we do not use the eap.algorithms module in order to show how to manipulate the different features of EAP. Let say that we want to evolve for a fixed number of generation MAXGEN, the evolution will then begin with a simple for statement.
for g in range(10):
Is that simple enough? Lets continue with more complicated things, mating and mutating the population. The crossover and mutation operators provided with eap usually take respectively 2 and 1 individual(s) on input and return 2 and 1 new individual(s). The simple GA algorithm states that the produced individuals shall replace their parents in the population, this is what is done by the following lines of code, where a crossover is applied with probability CXPB and a mutation with probability MUTPB.
# Apply crossover and mutation on the offsprings
for child1, child2 in zip(offsprings[::2], offsprings[1::2]):
if random.random() < CXPB:
tools.mate(child1, child2)
for mutant in offsprings:
if random.random() < MUTPB:
The population now needs to be evaluated, we then apply the evaluation on every individual in the population that has an invalid fitness.
# Evaluate the individuals with an invalid fitness
invalid_ind = [ind for ind in offsprings if not]
fitnesses = map(tools.evaluate, invalid_ind)
for ind, fit in zip(invalid_ind, fitnesses): = fit
And finally, last but not least, the selection part occurs. We replace the whole population by individuals selected by tournament (as defined in the toolbox) in that same population.
pop[:] =, n=len(pop))
The [:] needs to be used in order to replace the slice of objects with the new list of individuals and not the whole population object that would lose its Population type (this would not be very problematic anyway).
Some statistics may be gathered on the population, the following lines print the min, max, mean and standard deviation of the population.
# Gather all the fitnesses in one list and print the stats
fits = [[0] for ind in pop]
length = len(pop)
mean = sum(fits) / length
sum2 = sum(x*x for x in fits)
std_dev = abs(sum2 / length - mean**2)**0.5
print " Min %s" % min(fits)
print " Max %s" % max(fits)
print " Avg %s" % mean
print " Std %s" % std_dev
The complete One Max Genetic Algorithm code is available. It may be a little different but it does the overall same thing.